A. Headache Causes: Can Teeth Grinding And Clenching Be To Blame?
1. Teeth Grinding and Headaches: Recognizing and Treating Bruxism
When we sleep we do many things that we are not aware of. For example, some of us snore, others talk and fight pillows, others walk and even eat in our sleep without remembering it in the morning! Not surprisingly, many of us grind or clench our teeth even when we sleep. Experts estimate that around 40 million people suffer from excessive teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Bruxism is more than a weird habit. The condition can cause jaw pain, headaches, and even migraines. If you suffer from morning headaches or jaw pain, read on. Teeth grinding and biting can really cause a headache! So, a visit to the dentist can help you relieve a headache or migraine.
2. What Causes Teeth Grinding?
The sheer number of people who suffer from teeth grinding headaches is not surprising when you consider all the different causes of bruxism. For example, stress and anxiety can cause many people to grind their teeth. More commonly, however, an abnormal bite and/or missing or crooked teeth lead to bruxism. Others find that sleep apnea contributes to teeth grinding, while for others temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is the cause. Finally, some medications (eg, some antidepressants) list teeth grinding as a possible side effect.
3. Common signs of clenching and teeth grinding
No matter what causes you to clench or grind your teeth in your sleep, you can experience any combination of these common signs and symptoms:
- Headache on waking
- Tenderness near the jaw
- Migraines that respond poorly to other treatments
- Stiff neck in the morning
- Earache
- Sinus pressure
- Sensitivity of the teeth
- Chipped/broken molars
Your partner can also hear their teeth grinding while they sleep. Of course, some of these symptoms can be due to other medical conditions, such as: B. a sinus infection or other diseases. However, if these have been ruled out, it may be time to consider a visit to your dentist.
4. How to flush and firm your teeth contributes to headaches, even migraines
Our jaws are powerful! They allow us to bite with about 70 pounds of force per square inch. When we intentionally squeeze, our force per square inch can double to 140 pounds per square inch. Some experts estimate that this force increases to 700 pounds of force per square inch when we clench and grind our teeth at night! It’s clear that so much force puts a lot of strain and pressure on your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and supporting muscles. Your temporomandibular muscles extend to your jaw, cheeks, and the side of your head. So, bruxism strains these muscles to the point of causing throbbing headaches and in some cases migraines.
5. Other effects of teeth grinding and clenching
Headaches can be the first and most noticeable consequence of bruxism for many. Others may also notice earaches and sinusitis when the TMJ muscles wrap around these structures. The effects of teeth grinding don’t stop there, however. Bruxism can negatively affect tooth structure. It can eventually wear down, break, or loosen teeth into stumps. If any of these occur, you may need bridges, fillings, or even root canals. In some cases, people have had to wear partial or full dentures due to excessive teeth grinding.
6. How a visit to the dentist can help a headache with teeth grinding and clenching
Of course, bruxism should not go untreated. Your headaches also deserve attention. A dental exam helps with both. Your dentist can
- Rule out other causes of headaches: An exam rules out other possible causes of headaches and jaw pain, such as ear infections, sinusitis, and abscessed teeth.
- Examine teeth for damage from teeth grinding: The dentist looks for signs of wear on the teeth that are common with teeth grinding so they can intervene before more serious damage occurs.
- Assess how well your jaw joint is working: Part of the exam is checking how well your jaw is working. The dentist hears popping or clicking noises as well as sore muscles.
- Fit a bite splint: If your dental exam suggests that grinding and clenching your teeth might be contributing to your headache, your dentist may suggest a bite splint. This simple device reduces pressure on the jaw and teeth during sleep, when bruxism is doing the most damage.
7. What is the difference between a bite splint and a mouth guard?
Many people mistakenly believe that a mouth guard and a bite splint (or night splint) are the same thing. Although similar, they fit together and work differently.
- Mouth guards: Made of rigid plastic, these devices protect your teeth from the outside elements in your mouth. You can buy cheap cook and bite masks at most drugstores. They offer a great solution for athletes who play contact sports and want to protect their smiles from flying hockey pucks! However, their marginal fit does not reduce the bite pressure to the same extent as a custom-made bite splint.
- Bite splint or night guard: These devices work to reduce bite pressure. Unlike a store-bought mouthguard, a bite splint or night guard requires a visit to the dentist. Your dentist takes impressions of your teeth to create a splint that conforms to your jaw and bites perfectly. Additionally, dentists make night splints from a special dental acrylic that is gentler on tooth enamel than many of the plastics found in OTC mouthguards. The perfect adaptation to your bite, together with superior cushioning materials, reduces bite pressure.
In short, bite splints reduce the effects of teeth grinding and clenching. They form a custom-fit pillow that protects your teeth from rubbing against each other, even while you sleep. For many, this reduced pressure and protection of their teeth helps relieve headaches.
8. Other ways to reduce bruxism symptoms
Night guards aren’t the only thing you can do to reduce bruxism symptoms. You can also follow some of the tips below to reduce teeth grinding in the first place.
- Sleep better. Grinding your teeth while you sleep is more common in people who don’t have a healthy sleep pattern than in people who sleep well. So your first line of defense should be preparing for sleep success.
Limit TV and smartphone use before bed. Too much TV or phone calls can strain your body and disrupt your sleep, creating unhealthy patterns that make your teeth grinding worse. Stop using electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime to reduce their impact on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. - Quit smoking or vaping. Nicotine is a stimulant. As a result, it disrupts the sleep rhythm. Experts note that without proper sleep schedules and patterns, symptoms of TMJ and teeth grinding tend to increase during sleep.
- Avoid caffeine. Coffee, chocolate, tea, cola – they all have caffeine that steals sleep. Eliminate them from your diet as much as possible and avoid consuming caffeine after lunchtime.
- Avoid drinking alcohol. While a nightcap can help you fall asleep faster, alcohol affects your ability to sleep soundly and stay asleep. It also dehydrates you. drink enough Not drinking enough fluids throughout the day can leave you dehydrated and cause your teeth to grind. You will subconsciously grind and grind your teeth to force your mouth to produce the saliva it needs to stay healthy while you sleep. Talk to your doctor and dentist about your medications.
B. Teeth Grinding And Clenching: Is This Common Problem Causing Your Headaches?
Do you sometimes wake up with a nagging headache? Do you suffer from migraines and just can’t figure out the cause? Or do you have sinus symptoms but no real infection? Teeth clenching and grinding is a problem that affects people of all ages. In fact, research has found that almost all of us unknowingly grind or clench our teeth at some point. While the exact cause of bruising and grinding is unknown, contributing factors include stress, anxiety, lifestyle factors (such as alcohol consumption and smoking), and sleep apnea. Teeth grinding can be a temporary or chronic problem and causes problems such as: jaw pain, tooth fracture, and erosion of tooth enamel – especially in the back of the mouth.
1. The difference between clenching and grinding your teeth?
Our teeth aren’t designed to be in constant contact – when you’re eating or chewing there’s obviously some contact, but at other times your upper and lower teeth shouldn’t be touching. Clenching occurs when the upper and lower teeth are held tightly together, which is characterized by a brief period of tension. This puts pressure on the jawbone and gradually wears away the outer surface of the teeth over time. Grinding occurs when teeth are clenched and move back and forth over one another. The medical term for bruxism and grinding is bruxism, and in most cases you won’t even know you’re suffering from it.
2. Headaches and migraines
The pressure caused by clenching your teeth can be a trigger for headaches and, in worse cases, migraines. The pressure or pain from squeezing affects the jaw and travels to other parts of the skull – leading to tension-type headaches. When muscles contract and teeth clench, the resulting pain can even cause an earache. Many patients don’t associate their headaches or migraines with dental problems and will try various pain relievers or make appointments to see a doctor before finding out the real cause.
3. Sinusitis
Sinus or facial pain is also a result of teeth grinding and clenching. When a patient has sinusitis, it is invariably caused by some form of infection or virus. However, sinus pain from grinding or squeezing is caused by irritation of the lining or flexing of the thin layers of bone in that area. Patients often assume their sinus pain is due to an infection or blockage when in fact it is due to the continuous pressure exerted on the jaw by the squeezing motion.
4. Combat bruxism
At Whitestar Dental, patients are often surprised when asked if they grind their teeth. In most cases, they do this while they are sleeping and are unaware of the problem. Our most popular treatment for pinching and grinding is a custom-made mouthguard. This is a soft and flexible dental appliance that can greatly reduce the impact of clenching your teeth on your tooth enamel and jawbone, and help you enjoy a better night’s sleep. While a mouthguard doesn’t automatically stop grinding, it does eliminate the effects of bruxism on your dental and physical health. Creaks and bruises can be reduced with more study of your sleep patterns, relaxation techniques, and stress reduction.
C. Your Headache May Be the Result of Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
For many, headaches have simply become a part of life, but often headaches are a symptom of something else. Find out what it is and relieve your headache. Here’s why teeth grinding can be the real culprit and how it can make you feel better. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with your teeth clenched? This is bruxism. Does a sore jaw greet you every morning? Maybe you broke a tooth in your sleep. This is bruxism.
It’s the technical term for “teeth grinding”. This involuntary clenching and shifting of teeth can wreak havoc on teeth and surrounding tissues. People with untreated bruxism, which often occurs at night, grind and break their teeth with movement. The jaw becomes painful and eventually misaligned. This can result in pain when eating or speaking.
1. What Causes Bruxism?
According to the Mayo Clinic, bruxism is usually associated with sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing for a short time while you sleep. People who snore or wake up short of breath are likely to have this condition. Stress and anxiety often contribute to behavior. Even while you are sleeping, your mind is restless. tightening or grinding results. Some people experience symptoms of bruxism while awake. If you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event, you may grind your teeth at the thought of it. Or the actions can be more subtle and take place throughout the day while remaining in a high state of stress.
Some medications and substances can trigger the behavior. These include:
- Antidepressants
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Recreational drugs
Several other medical conditions can also contribute to the development of bruxism, including:
- Parkinson’s
- Insanity
- Cid reflux
- Epilepsy
- Between others
Children are almost three times more likely to start grinding their teeth if their parents have the condition. Men and women suffer from bruxism at a similar rate.
2. Why does bruxism cause headaches?
The actions associated with an episode of bruxism exhaust the body. The muscles, tendons and joints appear overloaded. Tension often turns into a dull headache that won’t go away. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a joint at the base of the skull. It connects the skull to the jaw. There is much to do. You need it to talk, eat, and sometimes breathe. When you yawn, the joint opens to let air through.
The temporomandibular joint is surrounded by strong muscles that contract and relax to control the jaw. These muscles are connected to the cheeks and under the chin. When someone with bruxism grinds or clenches their teeth, the tension created spreads to the head and neck. Tension turns into headaches, as well as sore muscles all over your face, head, neck, and even shoulders. In migraine sufferers, this dull headache can trigger a more severe migraine.
3. How Do Moberi Dental Specialists Treat Teeth Grinding?
Outside the office, grinders must develop strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and anger. This can improve the severity of your symptoms, but by the time many people realize there’s a problem, the damage is already done. It is important to conduct an assessment of bruxism. The first line of treatment is a personalized mouthguard that you wear while you sleep. This helps absorb the pressure your jaw puts on your teeth, joints, and muscles. Your dentist can also teach you jaw exercises to help retrain your jaw to move and bite in the correct position. In some cases, your level of bruxism may require surgery to repair damage to your teeth or to realign your jaw.