What is dental deep cleaning

A. Everything You Need to Know About Deep Cleaning

Regular teeth cleanings are an essential part of good oral hygiene, but did you know that there are different levels of cleanliness? Sometimes a standard cleaning by a dental hygienist is not enough. When bacteria invade below the gum line, you need a thorough teeth cleaning to restore gum health.

1. What is a deep cleaning of the teeth?

Deep cleaning of the teeth, also known as gum therapy and often referred to by dentists as gingival scaling and root planing, is a dental treatment aimed at cleaning between the teeth and gums down to the roots. During a standard teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist or dentist cleans the front, back, and sides of the tooth above the gum line. The same process is performed during a deep cleaning of the teeth, but the dentist also proceeds down to the root of the tooth below the gumline, removing tartar and other “pocket” debris that has formed between the root of the tooth and the gum line.

When you have gingivitis, the pocket, or space, between your teeth and gums opens up, gets wider and deeper, and traps tartar and plaque. Healthy dentition and gums have a pocket or gap that measures 3 millimeters or less, but if you have gingivitis or other gum problems, the pocket is wider. Dentists usually recommend a deep cleaning of your teeth when your gums have moved 5 millimeters or more from your teeth and their roots. A thorough teeth cleaning usually requires 2 or more visits to the dentist. The first appointment is for gingiva or perioscaling and the second for root planing. Typically, both procedures use a local anesthetic to numb the mouth.

2. How is deep cleaning different from normal teeth cleaning?

Routine teeth cleaning focuses on the teeth at and above the gum line. These non-invasive cleanings are recommended for most patients every six months and play a key role in maintaining good oral health. Deep cleaning of the teeth, also known as scaling and root planing, involves special techniques to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from below the gumline to the roots of the teeth. This will prevent gum disease from progressing and causing tooth loss. Overall, the goal of regular teeth cleaning is preventative maintenance and the goal of deep cleaning teeth is to stop the progression of gum disease.

3. How do I know if I need a thorough teeth cleaning?

Deep cleaning is not necessary for all patients. However, patients with gingivitis (the first stage of gum disease) or a more severe case of gum disease may need a deep cleaning to prevent tooth loss and further damage. Gingivitis doesn’t always cause pain or have visible symptoms, so it can be difficult to know when you need a thorough cleaning. However, some warning signs to look out for are:

  1. Constant bad taste or breath
  2. Separated or loose permanent teeth
  3. Easily bleeding gums
  4. Swollen, red or sensitive gums
  5. Gums that have fallen off your teeth

Your dentist can also diagnose the problem at your regular check-up by using a probe to measure any pockets that have formed in your gums. They may also take x-rays to check for bone loss. If the pockets are deeper than a standard cleaning and good home care can treat, you will need a deep cleaning to clear the infection and promote healing. You may only need to scale and plan at a few points, or the problem can be generalized.

4. What is a deep clean?

For scaling, your periodontist uses a hand-held tooth scraper to manually scrape plaque from your teeth above and below your gum line. You can also use an ultrasonic device with a vibrating metal tip and a jet of water to remove tartar. Root planing is more of a rubbing motion used to smooth out rough areas on the roots of teeth to make it harder for bacteria to attach in the future. Sometimes an antibiotic gel is applied to teeth during cleaning to kill hard-to-reach germs; in other cases, oral antibiotics or a special antibiotic mouthwash may be prescribed. Unlike routine teeth cleaning, this treatment requires two appointments, allowing us to treat half of your mouth at each appointment.

5. Does a thorough cleaning hurt?

Scraping and smoothing can be uncomfortable, so a local anesthetic is used to numb the gums during the cleaning. Afterward, your gums are likely to be a bit sensitive and may bleed slightly when brushing your teeth for the first few days after the procedure. In the first few days after treatment, your teeth may also be sensitive to heat or cold. Occasionally it may take a few weeks for all sensitivities to go away. Your dentist may recommend a mouthwash or an over-the-counter pain reliever, and desensitizing toothpaste may also help.

6. What happens after the operation?

After a thorough cleaning, you will receive at-home care instructions tailored to your unique situation. An appointment will likely be made 4-6 weeks later to ensure you are recovering well. We can also suggest more frequent regular cleanings for a set period of time. This is to prevent new infections and promote healing. They will continue to measure pocketing to ensure your gums are improving. Most patients respond very well to the deep cleaning and, with good follow-up care, notice a rapid improvement in the condition of their gums. Over time, the pockets will shrink and your gums will be restored.


B. The Benefits Of Deep Cleaning Teeth

Deep cleanings are used to treat periodontal or gum disease; A deep cleaning of the teeth is generally recommended for people who have not had regular teeth cleaning appointments in a while, but may be recommended for people with gum disease or periodontal problems.

1. Deep cleaning process of the teeth

A deep teeth cleaning, or deep teeth cleaning, involves two parts – the first is gum or periodontal scaling and the second is root planing. Both aspects of deep tooth cleaning can be performed with electric or ultrasonic instruments, or the dentist’s hand-held scaling instruments, or a combination of both. A thorough teeth cleaning usually involves two separate visits – the first for scaling and the second for root planing. The exfoliation part of the process removes all plaque and tartar below the gum line.

Then there is root planing, which involves using an instrument to clean and flatten the tooth root and help the gums reattach to the tooth, minimizing the size of the pocket or space that contains unhealthy debris can be located. Root planing, or the second part of deep cleaning the teeth, requires the dental hygienist to use a scraping instrument to remove plaque, tartar, and other debris from the roots of the teeth. This helps soften the root and allows it to reattach itself to the gums, reducing the space between your teeth and gums. Deep cleaning of the teeth is designed to treat gum diseases such as gingivitis and prevent them from getting worse and requiring surgery or other more extensive procedures.

2. Is a deep cleaning of the teeth necessary?

Typically, your dentist will recommend a thorough cleaning of your teeth after examining your teeth and gums and taking X-rays to assess the overall health of your mouth. If your gums are diseased or your gingivitis has progressed to the point where it is pulling away from your teeth, creating pockets or spaces that expose bone that are 5 millimeters or more deep, a deep cleaning of your teeth is often recommended as the next-shortest step in your Life, the actual periodontal surgery.

Be aware that your gingivitis or other gum problems can progress to periodontitis, which causes pockets between your teeth and gums to become so deep that bacteria begin to attack the bone and gum structures. If left untreated, it can even result in loose teeth — loose enough to fall out or be pulled. Thorough cleaning of your teeth can help reduce the size of the pockets and slow or stop the progression of gingivitis.

3. Are the Benefits of Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Thorough cleaning of your teeth prevents gum diseases like gingivitis from getting worse. Remember that we all have a lot of bacteria in our mouth, even if we have perfectly healthy teeth and gums. Plaque forms naturally when these bacteria mix with food and other substances, but regular brushing and flossing usually removes plaque.

However, if plaque is not removed, it hardens and turns into tartar, which can only be removed by professional teeth cleaning. When tartar remains on the teeth, it causes gingivitis, the condition in which the gums become red and swollen. If you have gingivitis, your teeth may bleed spontaneously or when you brush and floss, even if you are careful.

Other signs of gum disease include persistent bad breath or bad breath, extremely sensitive or increasingly sensitive teeth, loosening of the teeth, pain when chewing (especially hard or sticky foods), and retraction of the gum line. All of this means that if you have gum disease or gingivitis such as gingivitis, which is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar between your teeth and gums, a thorough cleaning of your teeth can be a way to clear the buildup and restore your mouth. into a healthier state.

4. Is it gums or periodontal scraping?

Perio scaling, gum scaling or tartar removal is the first part or appointment during which your dentist or dental hygienist will remove any plaque and tartar that has accumulated above and below the gumline to the bottom of the pocket or space between the gums and teeth and gums.

5. What is root planing?

Root planing is the second part of deep teeth cleaning and involves straightening and cleaning the roots of the teeth. This allows your gums to reconnect with your teeth, reducing the size of the pocket and helping your mouth return to its normal, healthy state. Root planing may require more than one visit to complete the process depending on the extent of the damage. A local anesthetic will likely be used during gum removal and root planing, and your dentist may offer a mild sedative.

6. What are the side effects of thorough teeth cleaning?

Deep cleaning of teeth is a relatively low-risk procedure, especially when performed by an experienced dentist or dental hygienist. However, there is a chance that the fillings will loosen or loosen, if present (but your dentist will likely be able to fix this later) due to the cleaning process, scraping of your gums, and scraping of tartar. You can also risk an abscess if a tiny piece of tartar gets stuck between your tooth and gum. You may also have more sensitivity in your teeth and gums after the procedure, but this usually goes away within 2 weeks with proper oral care and hygiene.

7. Is there pain after deep cleaning of teeth?

As with any dental procedure, you may experience pain, swelling, and soreness afterwards, and you may be numb from the local anesthetic for the rest of the day after your appointment. You may lean towards a soft diet a few days after a thorough teeth cleaning as your gums become soft. Due to the increased sensitivity, you can also avoid cold food or drinks. To prevent infection and heal your gums, your dentist may prescribe antibiotic tablets or a mouthwash.

Always follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions and call if you experience unusual pain or have a problem related to getting your teeth or teeth and gums cleaned thoroughly. After the deep cleaning is complete, you will have a follow-up appointment to check the healing progress. Your dentist may also advise you to have a standard teeth cleaning every 3 months instead of the usual 6 months after the initial deep cleaning of your teeth.

8. How to care for your teeth after thorough cleaning

After a deep cleaning of your teeth, you need to be extremely gentle and careful with your teeth and gums, keep them as clean as possible, and take the medications prescribed by your dentist. You should be aware that if a thorough teeth cleaning or gum removal and root planing does not reverse the course of your gingivitis and you have a parodo, you may need more extensive treatment or surgery.

However, you can help continue the healing process and minimize the need for future thorough cleanings and other procedures, for example by practicing good dental hygiene. Brush and floss daily and have regular teeth cleanings every six months. Of course, you should always contact your dentist if you have any questions and make sure you keep appointments for check-ups and regular tooth cleaning in the future.


C. The Pros and Cons of Deep Cleaning Teeth

However, sometimes a dentist will recommend a deep cleaning of your teeth. Signs that you may need a deep cleaning include bleeding gums, retracted gums, and loose teeth. While deep cleaning — also called periodontal scaling or root planing — is common, it comes with its risks.

1. Benefits of deep cleaning

  1. Stop gum disease
  2. Fight against bad breath
  3. Protects the roots of the teeth
  4. Promotes healthy gums
  5. Prevents tooth loss

2. Disadvantages of deep cleaning

  1. Mild pain and tenderness
  2. Can cause gum disease
  3. Risk of infection after the procedure
  4. In very rare cases there is a risk of nerve damage

3. What are the benefits of deep teeth cleaning?

You may need a deep cleaning if gum disease is causing your gums to separate from your teeth, creating a gap more than 5 millimeters (mm) deep. As gum disease worsens, the distance between the gums and teeth can continue to increase. This can weaken the bones that support teeth, which can lead to loose teeth or tooth loss.

If your dentist recommends a deep cleaning, the benefits of this procedure include:

  1. Stop the progression of gum disease.
  2. Treating a current infection and promoting healing
  3. Cleaning the teeth above and below the gum line
  4. Eliminate bad breath caused by gum disease
  5. To protect the roots of the teeth

4. What are the disadvantages of deep cleaning of the teeth?

While a thorough cleaning can treat gum disease, the procedure does have its risks. Disadvantages of deep teeth cleaning include:

  1. Can cause nerve damage
  2. Does not guarantee the replacement of the gums on the teeth
  3. Can cause your gums to recede
  4. Possible infection if you have a weakened immune system
  5. Pain and sensitivity

Pain and tenderness are the most common side effects. The risks of a deep clean are usually minimal and only last around 5 to 7 days, although this can extend to a few weeks for extensive cases.

5. How to reduce sensitivity after the procedure

Eating soft foods (yogurt, applesauce, or mashed potatoes) for a few days after the procedure can help reduce sensitivity. Also, avoid extremely hot or cold foods and drinks. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can reduce inflammation, as can flushing with warm salt water. Regular brushing and flossing promotes healing and further reduces gingivitis. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day.

6. How much does a deep cleaning of the teeth cost?

The cost of a deep cleaning varies depending on the severity of the gum disease or inflammation. You’ll likely have two visits, although some people need up to four visits to completely remove tartar and plaque. During these cleanses, your mouth is in quadrants. You can pay $100 or more per quadrant depending on where you live or how much treatment you need. If you have dental insurance, most plans cover deep cleanings.

7. Summary

Deep cleaning of teeth helps eliminate bad breath and promotes healing of gum disease. Thorough cleanings come with risks, so it’s important to understand possible complications or side effects. Although it’s a common and safe procedure, you can expect some tenderness and swelling afterwards. If swelling, bleeding, or pain persists for more than a week after the procedure, see your dentist.

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