Do dental crowns cause bad breath

A. Can Crowns Cause Bad Breath?

Can crowns cause bad breath? You wouldn’t believe it since after dental cleaning they treat the most common causes of bad breath. But even after receiving a crown, bad breath symptoms can return. Here’s why.

1. Help! I have bad breath that won’t go away after a crown

It is reasonable to assume that after you receive a crown, bad breath caused by tooth decay will be eliminated. After all, a crown is an ordinary tooth filling that:

  1. Protection of a broken or weakened tooth
  2. Replace a broken tooth
  3. Cosmetically repair a deformed or discolored tooth
  4. Support a weakened tooth with a large filling

Most of the above diseases are caused by tooth decay, and everyone knows that tooth decay can lead to odor. Unfortunately, not all crowns are created equal. Sometimes a crown can cause bad breath. Often this is due to an open border at the crown.

2. What is the difference between a good crown and a bad crown?

Getting a crown is fairly routine dental work. Your dentist prepares the surface of your natural tooth by evenly grinding it down. They take an impression of your teeth and put in a temporary crown while they adjust the permanent crown. When the permanent crown is ready, they smooth the tooth surface again before attaching the permanent crown with dental cement. This dental restoration works perfectly when everything goes according to plan. A good crown works just like an intact natural tooth and protects the remaining natural tooth from further decay.

Although most patients receive a good crown and have no other problems, in some cases there is a gap between the crown and the natural tooth surface. This is called an open brim at the crown. The edge or area where the crown meets the natural tooth is not sealed. This allows food and bacteria to enter the space between the crown and the tooth.

3. What causes an open margin?

Why does this gap appear? The open edge can be caused by:

  1. A rough surface
  2. Irregular application of dental cement
  3. Other crown application or fabrication errors

While the first two causes are entirely preventable, the crown itself can be faulty and never fit properly. This can be difficult to judge just by looking. However, working with a highly qualified dentist can help you avoid these risks. While a well-placed crown can last for many decades, crowns can detach from the natural tooth over time and over time. This is also a common cause of open edges in the corona.

4. Why does a bad crown cause bad breath?

An open rim at the crown traps food and bacteria between the crown and the natural tooth surface. Just as the previous rot gave off a bad smell, so did trapped bacteria.

Bad breath isn’t the only raw edge in the crown symptom. While they may take time to develop, the following common symptoms can also occur:

  1. Sensitive gums and teeth: Tooth decay caused by the open rim at the crown can lead to sensitivity to heat and cold, and sensitivity to sweet foods.
  2. Bleeding gums when brushing and flossing: Occasionally, symptoms of gingivitis may occur, such as: B. Bleeding when brushing or flossing. This may or may not go away over time.
  3. Pain: When the cement that holds the crown in place begins to dissolve on the surface of the bacteria that have settled under the tooth restoration, the roots of the tooth become affected. The pain may be mild at first, but as the decay progresses, it can increase dramatically.

These symptoms are also very common in tooth decay. Many patients who return to the dentist for caries treatment are shocked to find that the cavity is below the crown (sometimes referred to as recurrent caries).

5. How to get rid of bad breath from crowns

Bad breath can severely affect your daily life (and your self-confidence). If you have bad breath (called halitosis), here are five steps you can take.

a. Check your crowns

If you have dental fillings and are experiencing symptoms of an open crown margin (including bad breath), talk to your dentist. They may take an x-ray to see if there is a visible gap between the crown and the natural tooth. If this is the case and decay is present, your dentist will remove all decay, fill the tooth, and replace your crown. If the decay is beyond repair, your dentist may choose to have a root canal or extraction followed by tooth restoration (such as a dental implant).

b. Go to the dentist regularly

When it comes to tooth decay and bad breath, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Visit your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and check-ups to prevent problems before they happen (and to catch small problems before they become big!).

c. Practice proper oral hygiene

Like spoiled food stinks in the trash, guess what your teeth smell like? It is not good. Proper brushing twice a day and flossing at least once will remove any residue your dinner leaves behind. Use an alcohol-free mouthwash as directed by your dentist for sparkling clean teeth!

d. Drink much water

Dry mouth is a common cause of bad breath and many other dental diseases. Drinking plenty of water keeps your entire body (and mouth) healthy by eliminating the bacteria that cause bad breath.

e. If you smoke, stop

Put simply, smoking causes bad breath and many different types of cancer. It also stains teeth and hands, reduces skin elasticity, and shortens lifespan. Take this opportunity to leave forever!


B. Do Porcelain Crowns Cause Bad Breath?

Dental crowns made of porcelain adorn you with beautifully radiant teeth. Behind that glow, however, is a concern about the bad odor that can arise after the coronation. Whether or not you get bad breath with dental crowns largely depends on many factors including crown techniques, materials and oral hygiene etc.

1. Causes of bad breath after porcelain dental crowns

Improper crown techniques can result in an undesirable appearance of the teeth and bad breath. In many cases, a lack of good oral hygiene after porcelain crowns are placed can aggravate a pre-existing bad breath.

  1. Improper Crown Techniques: If your dentist makes a mistake in calculating the proportion during the restoration process, a gap between the crown and the tooth is likely to be created. If the crown is not secure, too loose, or at the wrong angle on the tooth, food can get caught in the middle. Over time, you will develop bad breath, which can affect your daily quality of life.
  2. Low Quality Materials: If the materials used to make porcelain crowns, especially metal fused porcelain crowns, are of low quality, they will deteriorate over time. Under the influence of oral acids and bacteria, these materials oxidize, causing an unpleasant odor.
  3. Poor oral hygiene: If you don’t practice good oral hygiene often, food gets stuck in the spaces between two teeth, especially in the area with porcelain crowns, leading to bad breath.

In addition, you should also consider that your bad breath could be a pre-existing condition. Getting dental crowns helps you realize you have bad breath instead of causing it. In some cases, the cause of bad breath is actually an oral infection or a stomach condition.

2. Treatment of bad breath after fitting porcelain crowns

To get rid of post-coronation bad breath, the most basic step is to find the exact cause. Here are some solutions to each problem:

a. Quality of the porcelain crown:

Metal porcelain teeth are completely covered with porcelain inside, covered with 1 layer of metal. Metal porcelain teeth are inexpensive but can easily give you bad reactions as the metal part oxidizes over many years causing the roots to blacken out and break off. In the long run the teeth will be deeply decayed and bad breath will follow. You need to replace it with another type of porcelain material that is more compatible with the body, such as: B. Porcelain teeth, titanium porcelain teeth.

The titanium-porcelain crown has an inner frame made of titanium alloy and the outer part is made entirely of porcelain. Titanium is a safe material for the body and does not cause any reactions. However, after many years of using titanium porcelain crowns, dark spots remain on the gums. You need to keep your teeth clean and replace them to prevent tooth decay from causing bad breath. If you value aesthetics, you should opt for all-porcelain teeth because all-porcelain teeth have the same natural color as real teeth, good strength and long-term durability, and ensure oral health and safety.

b. Due to a technical error:

The crown process of dental porcelain is very important. Unfortunately, when your tooth cavity is exposed and small cavities appear, this is an opportunity for bacterial plaque to invade and cause bad breath and tooth decay. In this case, the dentist will remove the crown and put it back on to make sure it is secure. In more severe cases, the dentist will have to repeat the impression of the tooth and make a new crown.

c. Due to oral diseases:

In order to fully treat oral diseases, dentists must remove crowns. Remember good oral hygiene to prevent bad breath after the coronation. Here are some tips you can use to manage this condition:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Water washes away food particles and bacteria that have settled in the gaps.
    Use chewing gum: Sugar-free chewing gum or xylitol mints can stimulate saliva production and thus serve to naturally clean the oral cavity.
  2. Drink Lemonade: Lemons are high in acids, which makes them good for getting rid of bad breath. You can mix lemon juice with honey to make lemonade, or you can make a daily mouthwash with lemon juice and salt to keep your breath fresh.
  3. Eat less strong-smelling foods: Consumption of strong-smelling foods such as onions, garlic, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, etc. should be limited as much as possible.
  4. Mouth Check: If home remedies don’t help you get rid of bad breath, you should see your dentist to have a look at your crowns. If there is a problem, your dentist will adjust your crowns or make new ones to improve the disadvantages of previous crown techniques.

3. Tips to avoid bad breath after receiving porcelain crowns

Dental crowns are a safe technique with few complications. You can proactively prevent bad breath and ensure your dental crowns stay in tip-top shape.

a. Practice proper oral hygiene

You should brush your teeth three times a day and rinse your mouth well to keep your teeth and oral cavity clean. After meals, floss to remove food particles that have become lodged deep in the interdental spaces, especially in the crown area.

b. Regular dental check-ups

A dental checkup every 3 to 6 months will help your dentists in finding oral problems and treating problems with your porcelain crowns in a timely manner if needed.

c. Choose a reputable dental clinic

In dentistry, especially cosmetic tooth restoration with porcelain crowns, technology and the human factor always play the most important role. Therefore, you should look for a dental center that has the most advanced technology and a team of highly experienced dentists to get a consultation and enjoy the safest and highest quality dental crown procedure.

If you can’t stop worrying about bad breath after porcelain crowns, let the stress relieve you by having the work done at a reputable dental clinic. East Rose Dental’s (Old Rose Dental Clinic) state-of-the-art dental crown technology not only ensures long-lasting crowns, but also prevents the bad breath problem that often exists after a traditional dental crown, so you can be assured of good hands.

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